Krewe du Vieux den on fire Tuesday.

Krewe du Vieux is the best Mardi Gras parade of the season, and the only parade that rolls on Lower Decatur Street.  They may have suffered a setback for this upcoming season due to a two alarm fire at their den in the bywater.  Information is scant at the moment, but we hope losses were minimal and they can return in their full glory come Carnival season. story here.

Taking a look back at last year's Satchmo Summerfest

We thought it would be a good time to look back at the Times-Picayune’s coverage of last year’s Satchmo Summerfest.

For four days, lovers of Louis Armstrong enjoyed music, food and even a bit of education as the eight annual festival took over lower Decatur Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

Bands playing mostly traditional Jazz filled four stages and Jazz historians remembering the good old days paid tribute to the man many say made Jazz a household name.

Yes indeed, this city knows how to pass a good time.  The ninth year should be no exception.  The festival kicks off with a Keynote Speaker and the opening of the ‘Jam Session – Jazz Ambassadors Embrace the World’ photo exhibit at the Old U.S. Mint on Thursday July 30th.  The exhibit will be in the Mint all weekend (with air conditioning) for your enjoyment.  The festivities culminate with a weekend of world class music on three stages on the lawn of the Mint.

Check out the Satchmo website for all the details.  Enjoy!

Pravda and Molly's at the Market make Gambit's Top 50 Bars 2009

It’s no surprise that two of our neighborhood bars on the 1100 block are featured in Gambit’s Top 50 Bars 2009.

Relative newcomer Pravada came in at #29

1113 Decatur St.

The absinthe-minded Lower Decatur bar melds steampunk couture with St. Petersburg gothic, but with more beer than borscht. The social Soviet hideaway could be a high-brow dive for you and your comrades, with a spacious back patio and absinthe served in the French method, or stick with a beer and a copy of Tolstoy. Na zdorovia!

Molly’s at the Market is the neighborhood standby that stayed open for the Katrina hurrication is #49.

1107 Decatur St., 525-5169

Somewhat faded from its glory days, Molly’s remains thick with tradition, helping keep its place in regulars’ hearts and minds. The rallying point for St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween parades, it can be relied on daily for a diverse and colorful clientele at its bars and hanging from its front window.

So, next time you’re in the neighborhood, stop in and have a celebratory drink with these winners!  You won’t even have to leave the block.

Last chance to stop the cold storage plant

This email was passed along to members of the Stop Cold Storage in the Quarter/Marigny/Bywater! group on Facebook.

After Tuesday night’s BNA meeting where State Rep. Jared Brossitt announced that the Port was actively seeking a new location for NOCS and after thunderous applause I think it would be a good idea to contact your politicians one last time to ask that they consider changing the placement of the proposed NOCS facility in the French Quarter.

As you do or do not know the opposition continues to grow with ALL river front neighborhood organizations opposed including; FMIA, BNA, NOCCA, VCPORA and now FQC, (French Quarter Citizens)

Citizens will have one last chance to stop the proposed cold storage facility at the Governor Nichols Wharf at the foot of Elsplanade.  For more information about the issue and contact information for politicians see the Foubourg Marigny Improvement Association’s website

Molly's at the Market's Halloween Parade

It’s that time of year again..

The festivities for this year start at 10am, with the actual parade leaving Molly’s at 5:30pm. The “standard fare” of entertainment will accompany the parade, consisting of (but not limited to) a firetruck, bands, jugglers, stiltwalkers, monkeys (I wish), etc. This is the Traditional Jim Monaghan Parade.

Check it out at Molly’s site.

Complicated Life by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band

This YouTube gem turned up in a recent post on the LiveJournal New Orleans community. It’s a very well done video for a great song.

Filmed in mid-2005, this is a glimpse into life on the French Quarter’s lower Decatur Street before Hurricane Katrina.

Originally written by Ray Davies of the Kinks, this track is performed by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band featuring Clint Maedgen on vocals with a guest appearance by the New Orleans Bingo! Show in the video.

Check it out: Complicated Life

The video is also on the companion DVD included with the Made in New Orleans: Hurricane Sessions boxed set by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band.